Visits to the Homebound and Sick

Cannot Attend Mass? Need Annointing?
There are various ways that we at MPH reach out to our parishioners who are homebound or sick. No matter if you or your loved one is in the hospital, at home, in an assisted living facility or a nursing institution, we want to know where you are so that we can better serve you!
What We Can Do:
We can have one of our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring Communion to you at your home/assisted living/nursing institution on a regular basis or even just a one-time visit in the hospital
ensure that you receive the Sunday bulletins and the monthly mailings
have a priest come to your location for a visit to administer the sacraments of communion and anointing
If you, or your loved one, is interested in receiving any of these services, please contact our office by calling 414-453-5192 or complete the contact form below. If you need immediate assistance, please call Father Matthew at 414-324-5291.