Liturgical Ministries
There are several opportunities available in which to participate in the liturgical ministry at Mother of Perpetual Help Parish. All ministries are scheduled using Ministry Scheduler Pro. With this tool, you create your preferences and manage your availability.
Ministry of Lectors:
Lectors are men and women who have a strong sense of commitment to proclaim the Word of God at liturgy. Training and resource books are provided to assist readers in their ministry.
Eucharistic Ministers (Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist):
Eucharistic ministers assist the priest in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. Training is provided using the guidelines set forth by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
Ministry of Acolytes:
Acolytes (also known as Altar Servers) are trained to assist the priest at Mass. Men and Women ages 10 and up may serve at all Masses. Training will be provided.
Ministry of Gift Bearers:
Gift Bearers bring up the bread and wine at Mass, and represent all of us and our offerings. Please consider being our representatives if asked by one of our ushers at Mass.
Art and Environment:
The Worship spaces at both sites are beautifully prepared for various seasons and liturgical celebrations throughout the year. Assistance from artists and non-artists is always needed.
To volunteer, please contact (Using the Contact Form below):
- Trish Schickert (East Site)
- Phyllis Haevers (West Site)