Prayer Shawl and Loomer's Ministry
We are a group of women who either knit, crochet, or use a loom to create either shawls, hats or scarves. Shawls are given to anyone in need of prayers for surgery, illness or comfort. The Shawls are prayed over as we begin them, continue as we create, and then receive a final blessing. Each month, when we gather, we start the meeting in prayer, blessing the finished shawls and praying for the recipients of the shawls.
Our loomers create hats and scarves. Once a year, near December, they are given to various groups. These groups include: New Berlin Lionesses Club, Hope House, and meal programs in the Milwaukee area. We also have members who make items in their homes for the ministry.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry started in 2008, and the Loomers started in 2011. The ministries merged in 2022.
For more information, either to volunteer or to receive a prayer shawl, Select Prayer Shawl and Loomer’s Ministry from the contact form below.

Prayer warriors at the looms! On the couch is Sharon Evenson, on the chair is Linda Dulka and in the mirror is Anne Gaska (prayer shawl).

Sitting on the couch, left to right are Jeanne Erceg, Karen Fuchs, Mary Thysell, standing Nancy Dloughy, Ethel Stueck and Kathy Moscicki and sitting wearing a shawl is Dolores Iannantouoni.