Music Ministry

Come, let us sing joyfully to the LORD; cry out to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before Him with a song of praise, joyfully sing out our psalms.
Psalm 95:1-2
Whoever sings a praise, not only praises, but only praises with gladness.
St Augustine
A liturgical service takes on a nobler aspect when the rites are celebrated with singing, the ministers of each rank take their parts in them, and the congregation actively participates.
Musicam Sacram, Part 1
More than Performance
Being a liturgical musician is about more than playing music and or singing. It is a fervent prayer, made with our voices and our instruments. The Lord created the powerful gift of music and He has given us voices and talents to praise and worship Him with. The Music Ministry spreads the Word of God through music experiences.
Traditional Choir:
MPH traditional choir helps to lead the congregation in song at Mass, as well a usually singing a musical piece of their own. The choir rehearses each Thursday evening from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The choir sings a weekend Mass – most often the 8:30 Sunday morning at the East (106th Street) Site. We occasionally also sing at the 10:30 am Mass at the East site and the 4:00 pm Mass at the West (116th Street) Site. The group also enhances other liturgical celebrations throughout the year, such as Christmas and the Holy Week “Triduum” liturgies. Choir members are sorted into Soprano, alto tenor or bass vocal ranges. Reading music is helpful, but not necessarily essential, in order to sing “your part.”
Cantors lead the congregation in singing at Mass and proclaim the psalm during the Liturgy of the Word. There are seasonal gatherings for cantors at which the music for the season is reviewed and the psalms are rehearsed. All Masses need a C=cantor, which means three cantors are scheduled each weekend for the Saturday 4:00 pm, and the Sunday 8:30 and 10:30 am Masses. New cantors are always welcome – that way, with more members, each person does not have to be scheduled as often. (Unless, of course, he or she would like to be!)
There is nothing like a live instrument! If you play guitar, flute, trumpet, percussion, or anything else – please join us! It’s always good to hear another instrument in the mix of sound – and it makes it more special.

Contemporary Group:
The Sunday 7:00 pm Mass group (both vocal and instrumental) continues the uplifting tradition begun at the former St. Aloysius Parish, and provides contemporary music for the last Mass of the weekend at the East site. We rehearse at 6:15 pm on Sunday before Mass. Vocalists and instrumentalists are always welcome to come sing and pray with us.
Handbell Choir:
The handbell choir has been a special tradition for many years at the former Immaculate Heart of Mary parish, and now, Mother of Perpetual Help’s West (116th Street) site. Please consider being a member of this ongoing musical custom!